Saturday, September 20, 2014

How to fix Seagate LBA 0 error

Hi folks!

After struggling for a while with an old Seagate hdd I came up with this solution.
You are going to need a USB to RS232 TTL PL2303HX like this one:

1) Plug the USB to RS232 adapter onto your computer, check which COM port it was asigned and then wire it up to your HDD like the following image:

2) Download this software, unzip it and place the exe wherever you want. (I made it and it's free of virus).

3) The usage of this app is very simple. First you've got to plug the HDD power cable. Then choose the COM port your USB adapter was assigned (1) and finally click the FIX button (2).
Note: It is VERY important to do not turn off your HDD after you click the FIX button.

4) After the process is completed, power down the drive and it should now be operable. Go ahead and hook it up.
If it didn't work you should try switch Tx and Rx and then try again step 3.

Important note to Windows 8 users: If you are getting Error 10 in your USB-Serial adapter, you should try this drivers. Install the .inf file and then change your driver to the 2008 one.